Luv-A-Rug’s North Island Area

Luv-A-Rug's Area Rug Carpet Cleaning North Vancouver Island Locations

The Area Rug Carpet Cleaning North Vancouver Island Locations Served By Luv-A-Rug

Area Rug Cleaning Vancouver Island Map Luvarug

Area rug carpet cleaning North Vancouver Island reviews by Luv-A-Rug customers 

The colours are brighter now.

I really appreciated the great service Luv-a-rug provided.

My very old and dirty rug was picked up and then later delivered back to me in much improved condition.

The colours are brighter now. Dusty provided information about its possible history and future care.

An initial concern was attended to very promptly. I highly recommend this specialized and friendly service.

Heather McLeod

Dusty was great to work with

Dusty was great to work with. He picked up our rugs, and delivered them so I didn't have to do the heavy work. They all came out fresh and very much cleaner and nicer than when we sent them. We can recommend Luv A Rug strongly

Jonathan P

It came home bright and clean, perfectly dry with no odour or artificial scent.

Luv-A-Rug has washed carpets for us in the past.

Our hand-knotted Nepalese living room rug needed a refresh -- it came home bright and clean, perfectly dry, and with no odour or artificial scent.

The pickup and delivery service was excellent (10 x 13 heavy carpet) -- care was taken not to damage any furniture, etc. when removing/returning the carpet.

Luv-A-Rug does a great job all-around.

Rebecca S.

Thank you for your very good service, pick up and delivery

Thank you for your very good service, pick up and delivery.

The rugs were cleaned and mended and I appreciate the discount and the work of your employees. I would not hesitate to recommend your service to anyone.

Thanks again and I look forward to using them in my new apartment soon.

Linda Dixon
Victoria BC

My wool rugs look clean again which I enjoy and appreciate every day

I was very happy with the service.

My wool rugs look clean again which I enjoy and appreciate every day.

Any changes in pick-up and delivery were promptly communicated.

I will definitely recommend Luv-A-Rug to friends and neighbors.
