
Why You Should Never Have Area Rugs Cleaned In Your Home 

At first glance, it always seems like a brilliant idea.

You think, “Hey it’ll be quick & easy and I’ll save a few bucks at the same time.”

But it’s only after the job is done and the money paid out do you realize what a huge mistake that idea was.

A mistake that has cost other people not only money to get things fixed, but also regret, wasted time and a good helping of humiliation.

It All Starts Off Innocently Enough

You look at your floor and notice your area rug is beginning to look dull and tired. Not to mention a bit smelly from the pet stains you just noticed near the edge on one side.

“I’ve got to get this cleaned,” you say to yourself, “mom’s coming for a visit next month and I’d be embarrassed to have her see my grandmother’s rug looking like this.”

So you get on the internet and look up the carpet cleaner you hired last time to clean your wall to wall carpet.

You want to see if they clean area rugs and as luck would have it they do! What’s even better is that they’ll do it in-home.

“Great!” you think to yourself, “It’s only an 8x10 rug so it shouldn’t take too long,”

You call them up, arrange the ideal date & time for them to come over.

Then after the carpet cleaning company steam cleaned your rug and left, you’re feeling pretty happy with how it turned out.

The Hidden Disaster

Except after a week or so, you notice the rug is beginning to smell like pet pee again. You find the stinky spot near the edge and lift the rug and just about pass out.

Not from the smell, but from the damage the wet rug did to your hardwood floor - it warped and buckled the boards and pretty much ruining them.

Now on top of the rug needing to be cleaned again you also have to pay for the hard wood floor repair.

When it comes to in-home cleaning disasters, Dusty Roberts of Luv-A-Rug Services Inc. has seen it all.

He’s seen hardwood floors that were buckled, covered in black mold and even stained with colors - all from area rugs that were steam cleaned in-home.

“The really sad thing is,” says Dusty, “is that the company who damaged your floor may not have the proper insurance to cover the repair. And even if you take them to small claims court and win, collecting the money can be almost impossible.”

3 Reasons Why Area Rugs Should Never Be Cleaned In Your Home

When it comes to cleaning area rugs, Dusty has 3 reasons why you should never get them cleaned in your home.

1) Rugs cannot be cleaned thoroughly just from the top down. Steam cleaners not only leave your rugs wet (potentially ruining your flooring or the rug itself) they can only suck dirt up from the top of the rug and not the foundation where all the dirt, grit, allergens and bugs accumulate.

Don’t be fooled by those “low moisture” cleaning systems either. 

All they do is smear the dirt around with their rotating bonnet and push it deeper into the rug where you can’t see it.

At Luv-A-Rug, they wash rugs from the top, the bottom and all the way through and then properly dry them to guarantee they’re completely clean and odor free.

2) Your pet’s urine dries into crystals at the foundation of your rug. Then when the humidity increases in your home (weather, cooking, showers, etc.), those crystals get activated and begin to release nasty odors again.

Steam cleaners and “low moisture systems” are just not able to remove those crystals which is why rugs will stink again even after they’ve been “cleaned”.

On the other hand, Luv-A-Rug’s Pet Lovers decontamination wash is so thorough they guarantee your rug will be completely odor free. Pet odors will not return again unless your little furry friend has another unfortunate accident.

3) Wool area rug colors can easily bleed. Many wool rugs will bleed their colors when subjected to hot steam or cleaning agents meant for synthetic materials.

The experts at Luv-A-Rug know rugs inside out and prevent rugs from ever bleeding while they are getting washed.

Luv-A-Rug has even saved the butts of many carpet cleaners who thought they knew how to clean a wool rug but came in crying and begging Dusty to fix their mistakes like the one shown below.

The experts at Luv-A-Rug know rugs inside out and prevent rugs from ever bleeding while they are getting washed.

Luv-A-Rug has even saved the butts of many carpet cleaners who thought they knew how to clean a wool rug but came in crying and begging Dusty to fix their mistakes like the one shown below.

Moral of the story?

If you own an area rug with any kind of sentimental or monetary value, have it washed by someone who really loves rugs and knows how to properly care for them - like Luv-A-Rug.

Trying to save a few bucks on quick & cheap rug cleaning could become one of the most expensive mistakes you’ve ever made.

Dusty Roberts

Luv-A-Rug Team Leader

Stephen "Dusty" Roberts is one of the most experienced and qualified area rug carpet cleaners in Canada.   He has completed the Master Rug Cleaner program with the Oriental Rug College Program, he is a Senior Fellow of Academy of Oriental Rug (AOR), is IICRC certified, and Wool Safe Certified.  He is an Industry Speaker at conventions, Rug Cleaning Trainer and Business Coach. Dusty has traveled all over the USA and to Australia, England, Turkey and many other European countries learning and teaching about area rug history, identification and proper cleaning.  He is also a noted oriental rug appraiser.  Discover more about Stephen "Dusty" Roberts at our About Us Page