How Luv-A-Rug is Keeping Braefoot Elementary’s Rugs (and Tiny Toes) Clean – For Free!
If you’ve ever stepped foot inside a Braefoot Elementary classroom, you know two things: 1) the students are full of energy, creativity, and possibly an unexplainable amount of glitter, and 2) the classroom rugs have seen more action than a blockbuster movie.
These rugs don’t just lie there looking pretty—they’re nap-time zones, story-time stages, and the unofficial landing pad for every snack-time spill.
At Braefoot Elementary, where learning is hands-on (sometimes literally, with finger paint), those classroom rugs are the heart of the room. And let’s be honest—after a few months of juice-box mishaps, muddy shoes, and the occasional “mystery stain,” they need a serious refresh.
That’s where we come in.

Luv-A-Rug to the Rescue!
At Luv-A-Rug, we believe teachers have enough on their plates—lesson planning, answering 97 questions before 9 AM, and maintaining classroom order in the face of a rogue Lego piece underfoot. So, we figured we’d take one thing off their to-do list: cleaning their classroom rugs. For free.
Yes, you heard that right. We’re on a mission to give back to our Victoria, BC schools, starting with Braefoot Elementary. These incredible teachers work tirelessly to create a warm and welcoming space for their students, and we want to make sure that space doesn’t include a rug that smells like a forgotten juice box from last term.
Fun Fact About Braefoot Elementary
Did you know that Braefoot Elementary is located adjacent to the semi-rural Blenkinsop Valley within the traditional territories of the Esquimalt and Songhees Nations?
This unique location provides students with a rich natural environment, enhancing their learning experiences.Community Engagement at Its Best
The school is supported by a dedicated Parent Advisory Council (PAC), which includes all parents and staff. The primary objective of the council is to encourage parent participation while ensuring good communication between home and school. The PAC sponsors many activities during the year, some of which are fundraising activities, while others are organized to provide service and support for the school community.
Why We Do It – Because Teachers Deserve a Break (and Clean Rugs)
We’re big fans of Braefoot Elementary—not just because it’s an amazing school, but because we know how much teachers pour into their classrooms. They inspire, encourage, and somehow manage to keep their sanity while answering questions like, “Can fish blink?” and “What happens if I mix all the paint colors together?” (Answer: brown. It always turns brown.)
We also know that a clean classroom means healthier, happier students. Allergies? Reduced. Mystery odors? Gone. That one spot on the rug no one wants to sit on? Fresh and inviting again.
It’s Not Just Braefoot Elementary—We Want to Help Other Schools Too!
Our commitment to giving back doesn’t stop at Braefoot Elementary. We want every Kindergarten to Grade 3 classroom in Victoria, BC, to have fresh, clean rugs. So if you’re a teacher, administrator, or just a parent who’s witnessed one too many suspicious stains, let us know. We’d love to bring some Luv-A-Rug magic to your school.
Need Your Classroom Rug Cleaned? Let’s Make It Happen!
If you’re part of the Braefoot Elementary community (or any other K-3 school in Victoria, BC), reach out to us! We’ll happily roll up our sleeves, tackle the stains, and return your rug looking as good as new. Because learning should be fun, cozy, and, most importantly, clean.
Teachers, we see you. We appreciate you. And if we can make your classroom feel a little fresher, we’re all in.
To schedule a free rug cleaning, give us a shout at Luv-A-Rug—we’ll take care of the mess so you can take care of the magic.
Contact us at:
📞 (778) 533-7847
Because at Braefoot Elementary, learning is messy—but the rugs don’t have to be!