
Eco-Friendly Area Rug Cleaning 

Welcome to our magical world of eco-friendly area rug cleaning! 

If you've ever looked at your rug and thought, "This could use a spa day,"...

...or if you've ever wondered what your rug would say if it could talk, you're in the right place.

At Luv-A-Rug Services Inc., we're not just cleaning rugs; we're giving them the royal treatment, minus the red carpet, but with all the glitz and glamour.

In a world where "green" is the new black, and where sustainability is more than just a buzzword, we're here to tell you that eco-friendly area rug cleaning isn't just a trend; it's a lifestyle. 

Forget those harsh chemicals that treat your rugs like yesterday's laundry; we're all about pampering your precious floor art with the love and respect it deserves. It's like giving your rug a first-class ticket to a luxury vacation, without the jet lag.

Victoria's Original Eco-Friendly Area Rug Cleaning Masters

Once upon a time, in the picturesque land of Victoria, BC, Luv-A-Rug was born. We started as a humble rug-loving family, and now we're the Gandalf of rug cleaning – wise, gentle, and eco-friendly.

We've been around the block, seen the trends come and go, and we've danced with the times, waltzing away from harmful chemicals, and embracing the symphony of sustainability.

Our journey has been like a fine handwoven rug, filled with colorful threads of innovation, passion, and a sprinkle of magic.

We've seen it all, from shaggy 70s styles to modern minimalist designs, and we've cleaned them with the grace of Fred Astaire and the precision of a Swiss watchmaker.

Our Eco-Friendly Commitment

If rugs could talk, they'd probably say, "Treat me right, and I'll dazzle your guests for years." We listened, and we answered with a commitment to eco-friendly area rug cleaning that's as refreshing as a spring breeze through an open window.

It's like giving your rug a gourmet meal instead of fast food.

We're not just cleaning rugs; we're on a mission to save the planet, one rug at a time. It's like a superhero movie, but with less spandex and more sparkle. We're the Avengers of the rug world, battling the forces of dirt and grime with our eco-friendly shields.

Eco-Friendly Area Rug Cleaning: In-House Handwashing

How We Do It

Handwashing rugs at Luv-A-Rug is like sending them to a five-star resort. We inspect, we pamper, and we use eco-friendly detergents that are softer than a kitten's whisper. And lots and lots of fresh clean water!

 It's a spa day for your rug, complete with cucumber slices for those tired fibers (metaphorically speaking, of course).

Our handwashing process is a delicate dance, a ballet performed with grace and precision. We treat each rug like a unique masterpiece, understanding its quirks and personality, and giving it the care it deserves. It's like a tailor-made suit, but for your rug. 


  • Gentle on Rugs: We treat your rugs like royalty, with a gentle touch that would make a butterfly's wing feel coarse. It's like a gentle serenade for your rug, a lullaby that soothes and restores.
  • Eco-Friendly Detergents: Our detergents are so eco-friendly, they practically hug trees. They're the herbal tea of cleaning products, gentle, natural, and oh-so-refreshing.
  • Copious amounts of fresh clean water until your area rug rinses clear.

Challenges and Solutions

Handwashing rugs is a labor of love, like baking bread from scratch or knitting a sweater for your favorite pet. It takes time, but oh, the satisfaction! It's like planting a garden and watching it bloom, each rug a unique flower in our eco-friendly oasis.

The DIY Rental Option:
Our Do It Yourself Fast, Fun & Easy
Eco-Friendly Area Rug Cleaning System

How This Fun and Easy System Works

Ever wanted to play superhero with your carpets? Now's your chance! With our DIY Carpet & Rug Cleaning system, you can swoop in and save the day, all while wearing your favorite pajamas. It's like having a magic wand that turns your ordinary cleaning day into an extraordinary adventure.

The DIY system is like the Swiss Army knife of rug cleaning. It's versatile, efficient, and always ready for action. Whether you're tackling a small stain or cleaning your entire home, the DIY system provides the tools and guidance you need to get the job done. It's like having a personal trainer for your rugs, guiding you to cleaning success.


  • Fast, Easy, and Simple to Do: It's like making instant noodles, but with more satisfaction and less sodium. It's the microwave dinner of rug cleaning, but with gourmet flavor.
  • Carpets Stay Dry: No more waiting for carpets to dry. It's like having your cake and eating it too, without any crumbs on the rug. It's the Netflix binge-watching of rug cleaning – immediate gratification without the guilt.
  • No sloppy buckets of water to haul around. Just spread the magic powder, massage it in with our light weight machine, wait a bit and then vacuum it up!
  • The ultimate in DIY eco-friendly area rug cleaning (and even your carpets!)
carpet cleaning victoria bc - 3 easy steps b
Carpet cleaning victoria bc Duo-P-Before-After

Beth Konomoto

The dry DIY system is fun, easy, and faster than you think! I had 4 neglected semi-outdoor rugs and the magic of the cleaning product together with the easy to maneuver scrubber has made the space more comfortable. Highly recommended!

Different Types of Area Rug Materials

Silk, wool, synthetic – we've seen them all, and we've cleaned them all. It's like a fashion show for rugs, and we're the personal stylists, making sure each one struts its stuff in style. From the Audrey Hepburn elegance of silk to the rugged James Dean charm of wool, we know how to make each material shine.

Signs Your Area Rug Needs Cleaning

If your rug looks like it partied too hard last weekend or smells like it ran a marathon, it's time for some TLC from Luv-A-Rug. It's like a detective story, and we're the Sherlock Holmes of rug cleaning, spotting the clues that tell us your rug needs a little extra love.

Preventing Dirt and Tips for Care

Keep your rugs looking like Hollywood stars with our red-carpet tips. Rotate them like a fine wine, shield them from the sun like a beach-loving vampire, and vacuum them like there's no tomorrow. It's like having a personal trainer, a nutritionist, and a life coach for your rugs, all rolled into one.

Let's Wrap Up All This "Eco-Friendly Area Rug Cleaning" Talk

At Luv-A-Rug, we're not just in the rug cleaning business; we're in the rug-loving business. We're like the fairy godmothers of the rug world, turning Cinderella's rags into ballroom gowns. We're the Michelin-star chefs of rug cleaning, creating gourmet experiences for your floors.

So, if your rugs are crying out for a makeover, or if you want to play superhero for a day with our DIY HOST system, give us a call. We promise to treat your rugs like the stars they are, all while having a good laugh and saving the planet.

Our doors are always open, and our team is ready to assist you with all your rug cleaning needs. Whether you have a treasured family heirloom or a trendy new addition, we have the skills and the passion to provide the best possible care. Join us in our mission to make eco-friendly area rug cleaning the standard, not the exception. Together, we can create a cleaner, greener future for all.

Dusty Roberts

Luv-A-Rug Team Leader

Stephen "Dusty" Roberts is one of the most experienced and qualified area rug carpet cleaners in Canada.   He has completed the Master Rug Cleaner program with the Oriental Rug College Program, he is a Senior Fellow of Academy of Oriental Rug (AOR), is IICRC certified, and Wool Safe Certified.  He is an Industry Speaker at conventions, Rug Cleaning Trainer and Business Coach. Dusty has traveled all over the USA and to Australia, England, Turkey and many other European countries learning and teaching about area rug history, identification and proper cleaning.  He is also a noted oriental rug appraiser.  Discover more about Stephen "Dusty" Roberts at our About Us Page