How To Get Rid Of Fleas
From Area Rugs In Victoria BC
Do you need to get rid of fleas from area rugs? Have you discovered one of your pets brought fleas home with them?
You are not alone - believe it or not this is pretty common occurrence here in Victoria BC.
And at Luv-A-Rug we know how get rid of fleas from area rugs permanently and without the use of chemicals or poisons.

That means once you get your rugs back again from Luv-A-Rug they are totally safe for your pets to lay on again.

How do we get rid of fleas from area rugs?
We use our special Ultra Cold Freezer where fleas in any of their four life stages (eggs, larvae, pupae and adult) get a very chilly reception and cannot survive.
Then we thoroughly clean your area rug to make it look and feel like new again!
What To Do If Your Area Rug Carpet Has Fleas
- Treat your pet for fleas right away (i.e. by your vet)
- Spread finely ground salt over all the carpets in your home. Salt is great at dehydrating and getting rid of adult fleas especially when used in combination with vacuuming
- Use a powerful vacuum on all the floors, carpets, area rugs, upholstery, and mattresses in your home
- Hire or rent a steam cleaner for carpets and upholstery, especially on any area your pets lay on regularly (i.e. pet beds, area rugs, etc...)
- Wash all bedding, including your pet's, in hot water
- You may want to consider chemical treatments if the above methods do not completely solve the problem
- Bring your area rug carpet to Luv-A-Rug and let us know there are fleas (so we can isolate it). Our method of killing fleas is non-toxic, chemical free and 100% effective at killing all four life stages of a flea (eggs, larvae, pupae and adult)
- Pick up your totally clean area rug and bring it home once it is flea free
Luv-A-Rug Services Inc
445 Beta Street
Victoria BC
Ph: (250) 590-6210
Text your name and a picture of your area rug to: 778-533-7847