Sports Equipment Cleaning Victoria BC
Luv-A-Rug has a highly specialized sports equipment cleaning machine to handle virtually any type of sporting goods.
Below is a partial list of what we clean. If you do not see your sport listed below please give us a call - there's a really good chance we can clean your equipment!
Just click on any of the sports equipment links below to learn more...
Why Hockey Equipment Needs To Be Professionally Washed
Of all the sports played in North America, Hockey is the one with its own unique odor. One that has the dubious honor of being able to repel anyone within 15 feet of it's aroma.
The real issue has to do with bacteria growing in what can only be described as a perfect petri dish of sweat, wet equipment and lack of air circulation.
Hockey is an extremely physical sport that creates a lot of sweat that soaks into the foam and cloth of the equipment worn by the players. Then after the practice or game the wet equipment is shoved into a giant bag where there is no light or ventilation.
Its this dark and dank conditions that lets bacteria grow like wild fire which leads to the infamous hockey smell we all know and love.
Not to mention flesh eating bacteria (see here).
So, how do you control that hockey smell? There are three simple steps you can do to keep you equipment from smelling...
- Empty out the equipment bag
Always empty out your equipment bag after each use. Keeping it zipped up in the bag while its wet is the perfect breeding ground for bacteria that are becoming more anti-biotic resistant - Dry your equipment out asap
The sooner you can dry your gear out the better. The drying process not only can kill the bacteria itself, it also removes one the most important elements bacteria need to survive - moisture.
No Bacteria - no stink
There are all kinds of ways to dry it out but the fastest and most effective way is to use a forced air dryer like this one.
Now even though you may dry your gear all the time you can't always get rid of all the bacteria... it's a good idea to get it thoroughly cleaned and sanitized once or twice a year so it looks and smells almost like new again.