Lacrosse Equipment Cleaning Victoria BC
Luv-A-Rug Now Offers Lacrosse Equipment Cleaning
445 Beta Street Victoria BC (Near Mayfair Mall)
Are you looking for lacrosse equipment cleaning In Victoria BC?
Regular cleaning of your lacrosse gear is one of the most important things you can do - especially for your health.
As you know, sporting gear like lacrosse equipment can become extremely smelly.

But did you know that nasty smell actually comes from bacteria living in your equipment and that it can actually harm you?
If your skin gets even a small cut or scratch and comes in contact with the bacteria you can get a serious infection (read this article from Dr. Anthony Abene of the San Jose State Ice Hockey team).
Lacrosse, much like hockey is a seriously sweaty sport.
The amount of exertion the players put out creates a lot of heat and the only way the body can cool itself down is by sweating.
Unfortunately a lot of the sweat gets trapped inside the equipment which becomes a fantastic breeding ground for all kinds of harmful bacteria.
So if any of your equipment begins to smell, it's time to get it all professionally cleaned and sanitized before you end up with a major infection.
Lacrosse Equipment Cleaning Will Make Your Gear Healthy & Smelling Great Again
Luv-A-Rug's Soft Contents Wash System kills 99.9999% of staph and MRSA bacteria deep into the padding without damaging the equipment.
After the cleaning is done your gear is dried overnight and smells great again. Even the leather palms of gloves come out nice and soft.
We can clean all of your lacrosse gear - from the helmet all the way down to your shoes. Heck we can even do your equipment bag (the last thing you want is the bacteria in your bag to contaminate your freshly sanitized gear right?).
Ozone Vs. Luv-A-Rug Cleaning System
Many people think that if they Ozone their gear, it cleans it, right? Wrong!!
Ozone is a surface disinfectant that doesn't penetrate deep down through the padding whereas the Luv-A-Rug system cleans and disinfects completely.
Ozone doesn't remove any dirt or stains from your equipment because it is not a cleaning system.

Luv-A-Rug's patented cleaning system on the other hand gets rid of blood, sweat, bacteria, odour, stains and grime completely out of your gear to keep it in tip top shape resulting in a much longer life span for your equipment.
For Lacrosse Equipment Cleaning In Victoria BC, Bring It To...
Luv-A-Rug Services Inc
445 Beta Street
Victoria BC
Ph: (250) 590-6210
Mobile Phone INSTANT ESTIMATE! Text your name and a picture of your lacrosse equipment to: 778-533-7847

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