Teddy Bear Cleaning

Teddy Bear Cleaning Service
In Victoria BC

Luv-A-Rug now Offers A Teddy Bear Cleaning Service (& repairs)

445 Beta Street Victoria BC (Near Mayfair Mall)

Luv-A-Rug Ukraine Relief

FREE Teddy Bear Cleaning

Luv-A-Rug Ukraine Relief

FREE Teddy Bear Cleaning

There's something special about the bond a small child has with their teddy bear.

And as a parent, I know how cute they look together in photographs when I look back at them all these years later.

Teddy Bear cleaning service Victoria BC by Luv-A-Rug
Teddy Bear cleaning service Victoria BC by Luv-A-Rug

Very few things can compare to how valuable my child's Teddy Bear has become now that they have grown up.

As I've gotten older I've become a little nostalgic and being able to preserve some of the fondest memories of my child in the form of a Teddy Bear is priceless to me.

Make Your Teddy Bear Look Like New Again

At Luv-A-Rug we can restore your memories too with our special service here in Victoria BC that can clean and repair all your Teddy Bears.

Whether your Teddy Bear suffered through dirt, mud, a flood or even smoke damage, bring it to us.

We can clean, sanitize and make your Teddy look almost like new again!

Teddy Bear cleaning service Victoria BC by Luv-A-Rug
Teddy Bear cleaning service Victoria BC by Luv-A-Rug

And even take care of any little mishaps and repairs (all of which are done with a whole lot of LOVE!)

If You Need A Teddy Bear Cleaning Service In Victoria BC, Bring It To...

Luv-A-Rug Services Inc
445 Beta Street
Victoria BC
Ph: (250) 590-6210

Mobile Phone INSTANT ESTIMATE! Text your name and a picture of your teddy bear to: 778-533-7847

Area Rug Carpet Cleaning Victoria BC Luvarug Map

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