Luv-A-Rug Serves James Bay

Area Rug Carpet Cleaning James Bay BC, V9V 2L2 

Luv-A-Rug serves all of James Bay - call us about our FREE (limited) pickup/delivery  service or bring your rug to us where we will unload it from your vehicle for you.

Luv-A-Rug is located only 22 min (14.8 km) away from The District of Highlands

Luv-A-Rug has been the only cleaner I've trusted

I first discovered Luv-A-Rug more than a decade ago, when I took a small area rug to 'another' cleaner in town. It wasn't dirty, per se (wasn't in a high-traffic area), it just needed a refresh. They wanted more than twice the cost of the rug! So I tried Luv-A-Rug - when I got it back it looked good as new, and for a fraction of the cost of the other company. Luv-A-Rug has been the only cleaner I've trusted my rugs with, ever since. Thank you, Dusty and the LAR team!

Lorraine L.

Have You Seen All These Other Services Luv-A-Rug Provides?

  • Pet stain removal
  • Guaranteed pet odor removal
  • Custom rug repairs
  • Fringe repair & replacement
  • Authentic reweaving of rugs
  • Flea & moth removal
  • Sail & boat top cleaning
  • Survival suit cleaning
  • Wetsuit odor removal
  • Firefighter turnout gear cleaning
  • Hockey equipment cleaning
  • Goalie equipment cleaning
  • Lacrosse equipment cleaning
  • Stuffed Animals cleaning
  • Horse blankets cleaning
  • Outdoor furniture cleaning
  • Luxury handbags cleaning
  • Wool & Silk rug cleaning

A little History of James Bay BC (courtesy of Wikipedia)

James Bay was originally home to the Swenghwung First Nations, a group now known as the Songhees First Nation. 

The name of this neighborhood came from the inlet forming part of the inner harbour which was named after Sir James Douglas.

James Bay originally began as a farming community right after the construction of Fort Victoria in 1843.

The first homes to be built in the area started in 1859 and were intended solely for the wealthy elite of Victoria. However, after a few decades, the working class began to move in and had cottages built on the west side, which became an industrial and shipping hub.

By the time the 1960's arrived, many of the older homes were torn down and replaced by block style apartments.

These monstrosities did not sit well with the local residents and they fought back with a grassroots movement to preserve the remaining homes as heritage buildings.

Fun Fact: Emily Carr, one of Canada's most famous artists was born at Carr House (207 Government Street) in 1871, and died a few blocks away at the James Bay Inn, 74 years later. For most of her life, she lived in James Bay and wrote extensively about the area and her family's homes.

About Luv-A-Rug

Area Rug Carpet Cleaning James Bay by Luv-A-Rug Services Inc. We Promise after we clean and restore your rugs, you'll fall in love with them all over again!